
Zombie World: A Card-Based Tabletop RPG of Zombie Horror

Created by Brendan G. Conway

A card-based roleplaying game about survivors fending off the dead and struggling to live with each other in a zombie-filled world.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Safe Haven and Closing Kickstarter
over 2 years ago – Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 02:55:55 PM

Hey everybody! It’s been a while, but we have our last remaining element of the Kickstarter to share with you all—the Safe Haven ruleset!

Safe Haven PDF Release

We put together a PDF of the Safe Haven ruleset, and you should now be able to find it on your Backerkit account! For reference, you’ll still be able to find that at .

The Safe Haven ruleset (name changed from the original "Safe Zone") details how to set up and play in a settlement that has moved on from the uncertainty and danger of an enclave into something far more stable. For a Safe Haven, the problems aren’t constant instabilities like a lack of food or absence of basic safety; the problems are the deeper conflicts between people and ideologies, as well as massive, existential threats like mobs of zombies!

This ruleset includes both some discussion of how to build a new enclave from scratch, and how to turn an existing enclave into a safe haven over the course of play. They can be used to give your Zombie World PCs a bit of a goal beyond simply surviving into tomorrow—if they work towards building a safe haven, they can genuinely improve the lives of the whole group. We hope you enjoy playing with Safe Havens!

Closing Out

And with that, we’re closing the Zombie World Kickstarter officially!

Closing the Kickstarter means that we won’t be checking here with any frequency. If you have any questions or issues, please make sure to email us at [email protected].

Thank you all so much for the awesome, awesome ride! We’ve had a blast, and we’re really proud of how Zombie World came together—not least with how it won a Silver Ennie for Best Rules thanks to your support! We hope you enjoy your cannibal undead stories well into the future!

Vote for Zombie World in the 2020 ENnies!
about 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 09, 2020 at 09:35:33 PM

Hey all!

As you may have heard, we've got some exciting news about Zombie World...

Four ENnie Nominations for Zombie World!

We're beyond excited to announce that Zombie World has been nominated for FOUR ENnnie awards: Best Game, Best Rules, Best Supplement (The Mall), and Product of the Year! That's an amazing run for nominations, and we're so grateful to all of you for helping us make this game a reality. 

But... we still need your help! Voting for the actual ENnie winners is underway right now (through July 12th at 11:59 Eastern), and we need your vote to win! Here's the link:

Voting is simple: each category allows you to rank the products from your favorite (1) to your least favorite (5). Sometimes only a few votes can make a huge difference to who takes Gold (or Silver), so please help us out and get your vote in early!

Don't Have Your Copy of Zombie World Yet?

If you’ve put in your order but haven’t received your copy yet, or if you have another problem with your shipped copy, please contact us at [email protected] and we’ll help get the problem sorted out.

And if you haven’t already done so, make sure you put in an order for your copy to receive it:

  1. Go to . There you should find your digital backer rewards, including coupon codes for every item you ordered. If you got all Zombie World items, you should be getting a coupon code for the Core set, the Mall expansion, the Farm expansion, and the Kickstarter Exclusive pack.
  2. On each code’s digital download, you should also find a link to the product page on the Magpie Games webstore for that item. Go to that link and add the item to your cart. Make sure you add all your items to the same cart!
  3. When all your items are in the cart at the Magpie Games webstore, it’s time to check out! Apply all your coupon codes to the cart before you check out—that should discount the cost of all those items to $0. Make sure you're using the links in Backerkit; the codes only work for those versions of the products in our store.
  4. Finally, choose your shipping options, enter your address, and you’re set! We’ll get you those rewards as soon as possible!

An important reminder: Filling out and locking your Backerkit ensures that you will get the appropriate codes for your pledge. But there is one more step before we can ship you anything! To make sure you get your products, you have to put in an order through our webstore using the coupon codes.

Thank you! Thank you!

Again, thank you. We think that Zombie World is one of our most innovative takes on the Powered by the Apocalypse engine, and we're so thrilled that you all were willing to support us in making something truly new and cool. We couldn't have done it without you!

Roll20 for Zombie World!
about 5 years ago – Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 12:47:42 AM

Hello everyone! Lots of copies of Zombie World have shipped, and we’re so excited to hear from you about zombies in the wild! For today, we have some awesome news about a digital copy of Zombie World that we wanted to share with you!

Shipping Issues and Reminder

If you’ve put in your order but haven’t received your copy yet, or if you have another problem with your shipped copy, please contact us at [email protected] and we’ll help get the problem sorted out.

Just as one last reminder, if you haven’t already, make sure you put in an order for your copy to receive it:

  1. Go to . There you should find your digital backer rewards, including coupon codes for every item you ordered. If you got all Zombie World items, you should be getting a coupon code for the Core set, the Mall expansion, the Farm expansion, and the Kickstarter Exclusive pack.
  2. On each code’s digital download, you should also find a link to the product page on the Magpie Games webstore for that item. Go to that link and add the item to your cart. Make sure you add all your items to the same cart!
  3. When all your items are in the cart at the Magpie Games webstore, it’s time to check out! Apply all your coupon codes to the cart before you check out—that should discount the cost of all those items to $0.
  4. Finally, choose your shipping options, enter your address, and you’re set! We’ll get you those rewards as soon as possible!

An important reminder: Filling out and locking your Backerkit ensures that you will get the appropriate codes for your pledge. But there is one more step before we can ship you anything! To make sure you get your products, you have to put in an order through our webstore using the coupon codes.

Roll20 for Zombie World!

We’ve worked with the awesome folks at Roll20 to create a Zombie World module for their online play system! The base module includes everything in the core box, while the deluxe module includes all the cards in the two expansions, as well. We’re very excited to have Zombie World set up for Roll20’s systems!

As a way of saying thank you to you, the backers who made all this possible, we’re also offering you a special 50% discount! We’ve shared a link and a password code with you through Backerkit, so just go to that link and use that password code to purchase the deluxe Roll20 set at a 50% discount!

So for backers, if you want a copy of the Roll20 module, make sure you use that link!

For non-backers, we’re offering the Zombie World Roll20 module along with the physical game on our website here:

You can pick up the Zombie World Roll20 modules directly for the core box here:

And for the deluxe version with both expansions here:

Next Steps

Zombie World is all but done! We’re still working with Dog Might Games to finalize the Blood Boxes, but all the other materials are done and, hopefully, in your hands! But if you like Zombie World, stay tuned—at our GenCon Sneak Peak panel, we announced that Marissa Kelly is taking the lead on our next card-based RPG using a similar set of systems for Airlock, a game of horror in space!

We’re excited to show off more of Airlock as it progresses! Until next time!

Customs and Shipping Reminder
about 5 years ago – Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 12:05:15 AM

Hey everyone! We’re in the midst of shipping out copies of Zombie World, and we’ve received some questions, concerns, and issues crop up that we wanted to address.

Shipping Reminder

We do have copies of the game officially in at Magpie HQ (!!!) and we’re shipping them out! If you haven’t already put in an order for your copy, here’s what you have to do:

  • 1. Go to There you should find your digital backer rewards, including coupon codes for every item you ordered. If you got all Zombie World items, you should be getting a coupon code for the Core set, the Mall expansion, the Farm expansion, and the Kickstarter Exclusive pack.
  • 2. On each code’s digital download, you should also find a link to the product page on the Magpie Games webstore for that item. Go to that link and add the item to your cart. Make sure you add all your items to the same cart!
  • 3. When all your items are in the cart at the Magpie Games webstore, it’s time to check out! Apply all your coupon codes to the cart before you check out—that should discount the cost of all those items to $0. 
  • 4. Finally, choose your shipping options, enter your address, and you’re set! We’ll get you those rewards as soon as possible!

If you have any questions, concerns, or problems, please let us know at [email protected]!

An important reminder: Filling out and locking your Backerkit ensures that you will get the appropriate codes for your pledge. But there is one more step before we can ship you anything! To make sure you get your products, you have to put in an order through our webstore using the coupon codes.

We understand some of our backers have found this process frustrating. We always try to update, improve, and adapt our shipping process across all our projects, and this is the best way we’ve found to offer flexibility in updating addresses alongside numerous shipping options we otherwise wouldn’t be able to offer on Backerkit. That said, we’re always listening to your concerns and requests for improvement, and while Zombie World is fairly set at the moment, we’re going to take your feedback forward on future projects. 

Customs for International Shipments

We made it a priority to offer multiple shipping options through our website, so that customers who wanted to get tracking or faster shipping could pay for it if they chose. Having such shipping options is something international customers have been requesting for a while, so we were happy to be able to start offering it on the website.

Unfortunately, there are a few snags that cropped up that we did not anticipate. When backers have selected certain shipping options for international delivery, they wound up picking options that would incur additional customs charges without knowing it. This only happened on non-basic shipping options, and for international shipping, so everyone who chooses basic shipping options or domestic shipping options shouldn’t have a problem.

We’ve now called out where those customs charges will arise on our shipping options, and we apologize for not having done so earlier. For those people who selected such shipping options without knowing they would be charged additional customs, we promise to reimburse you.

If you put in an international order prior to this update and had to pay customs charges you weren’t expecting, please email us at [email protected]. Please include a copy of the receipt for your customs charges. We’ll work with you to reimburse you as soon as we can.

Moving forward, please keep an eye on the details of your shipping options. If you would prefer not to pay the additional customs fees, please choose basic shipping. It won’t have a tracking number, but your package will arrive quickly and without customs charges.

Again, we apologize for not having spotted this problem earlier, but we’re glad to be able to resolve it now! In the future, we’re going to make it a high priority to clarify and resolve problems with international shipping. Thanks again for your feedback!

The End of the Road!

We’re so proud to finally have physical copies of Zombie World in hand and to send them out to you. Thank you so much for all your support and patience throughout this process! We love seeing folks share pictures of their copies on social media, so keep tagging us (@MagpieOfficial) and letting us know they arrived!

And one final note—we’re not ALL the way done. We’re looking into some options on getting Zombie World to you in digital form—stay tuned for more information!

Zombie World is Shipping!
about 5 years ago – Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 10:41:24 PM

Good news, survivors! Zombie World is almost here, and we’re going to start shipping copies early next week! Read on for details…

Production Update: July 2019

After much back and forth with the printer, we finally got everything approved for the final print in June. We’ve been waiting and waiting for months to try to give you all a firm date, but delay after delay—including those caused by President Trump’s proposed tariffs—meant that it was hard to give you all anything concrete. 

Our printer, Panda Games Manufacturing, totally understands that everyone is frustrated with the delays. And to make it up to us, they very generously agreed to ship all the backer copies of Zombie World to us via airplane! Yeah!

Getting Your Rewards!

So… it’s time! All of the backer copies of Zombie World will ship before Gen Con, including copies to backers in Canada, Australia, the EU, and the rest of the world. We’re really excited.

In fact, we’ve already sent out the coupon codes you can use to get your copy via Backerkit. If you have not received an email, you can download your coupon code from your Backerkit Digital rewards page here:

Follow these 4 steps below to get your rewards: 

  • Get the coupon codes from Backerkit and follow the provided links to our webstore. 
  • Add your rewards to your cart. You can add all the items to the same cart—you don't need to place individual orders! (You can also add other Magpie Games books!)
  • When you check out, apply all your coupon codes to your order. Each coupon code will discount the appropriate rewards fully and give you options for shipping!
  • Finish checking out, and you’re all set! We’ll ship your rewards as soon as possible!

If you have any questions or issues, please let us know at [email protected]. We’re happy to help you solve any problems that crop up!

Zombie World at Gen Con!

In addition to getting all of you your rewards this month, we’re also going to have copies of Zombie World for sale at Gen Con 2019 at booth #1348. We’ll also be running short demos of the game there!

What’s more, we’ll be running games of Zombie World in our game rooms all throughout GenCon! Most of those are sold out, but some still have slots open if you’re interested. And it’s always worthwhile to drop by and see if you can get in with generic tickets!

Check out the list of our Zombie World games! And check out all the myriad games and events we’re running

Finally, Magpie Games is running two panels at GenCon—a Powered by the Apocalypse design panel on Friday at 3 pm at Hyatt: Studio 1, and a preview of upcoming projects on Friday at 5 pm at the same place, Hyatt: Studio 1. We hope to see you there!


We really, really appreciate your patience and support through this whole campaign. It’s been a longer ride than we hoped, but we think you’re going to be thrilled with the game when it lands on your doorstep. Thank you again for all your help making it possible!